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Align Authentic Self Programme

My life has improved massively since completing the Align programme with Jennie, It has literally transformed my life, my way of thinking & just everything! I feel like a new woman! I felt anxious all the time, worrying about what might happen! Living in the future resulted in feeling low, having an unhealthy gut & just generally going around in circles feeling crap, eating crap & depressed. I recommend Jennie to anyone who struggles with anxiety or depression or to anyone who's got something stopping you from being the best version of yourself! I am now thinking more positively, not worrying as much & and pushing myself into doing more of what makes me & my body feel better! Jennie is so calming, even on my bad days, she made me feel better! I cannot thank Jennie enough for the tools she gave me to overcome my problems.


Heal & Release Coaching

Thank you Jennie for my sessions, we uncovered a block of “no one supports me” which really went back to when I was a child. We spoke through releasing that and how we can have work around going forward.

I also came to you with a block on where to take my life & business and we uncovered which direction I should be going, which made me niche down on everything and I really “Found my way” thanks to you!

If you are thinking of having coaching I would absolutely recommend Jennie. She’s very straight to the point but also asks the right questions, thanks again.


In Person Manifestation Mapping

Had a wonderful session with Jennie today, what an eye opening experience I’ve had unlearning the programmings and past traumas that are the blocks preventing me from moving forward.

A beautiful day of connecting, releasing and grounding, allowing me to make space for the new.

Thank you Jennie so much for a beautiful productive day! I’m so grateful for you. I feel like I’ve had a mindset shift. You are so encouraging. Thank you for helping me towards my new journey of my own business.

I am incredibly grateful for the guidance and support I have received from you. From the very beginning, Your insight and encouragement have been invaluable to me. You have a remarkable ability to inspire and empower, helping me unlock my true potential and embark on this new journey with confidence.

Your personalised approach and unwavering belief in my abilities have made all the difference. I have gained clarity, motivation, and a renewed sense of purpose. This session has been a transformative experience, filled with practical strategies and profound wisdom.

Thank you, for being such a phenomenal listener and holding a safe space for me to be vulnerable. Your impact on my life is immeasurable at this time and I am excited to continue this journey with the tools and confidence you have given me. I highly recommend your services to anyone seeking to make positive and lasting changes in their lives.


Align Authentic Self Programme

I am writing this testimonial with immense gratitude for the incredible support and guidance you provided during our coaching sessions. Working with you has been a transformative experience, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation.

When I initially sought your coaching services, I didn't realise that I was struggling to find and speak my authentic truth. I had developed a pattern of people-pleasing that was hindering my personal and professional growth. Through your insightful coaching and empowering techniques, I have undergone a profound shift in my mindset and communication style.

Your ability to create a safe and non-judgmental space allowed me to explore my true self and identify the critical life events, learnt patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs that were contributing to holding me back. Your keen observations and thought-provoking questions guided me towards a deeper understanding of my values and priorities.

One of the most impactful aspects of our coaching journey was learning how to communicate authentically without the fear of upsetting people. Your strategies for breaking free from the cycle of people-pleasing were practical and effective. I am now more confident in expressing my thoughts and needs, both personally and professionally.

The tools and exercises you provided were tailored to my specific challenges, making the coaching experience highly personalised and effective. Your compassionate guidance empowered me to embrace my authenticity and find my voice in a way I never thought possible.

As a result of our work together, I have experienced positive shifts in my relationships, career, and overall sense of self. Your coaching has been instrumental in helping me navigate challenges with resilience and authenticity.

I wholeheartedly recommend your coaching services to anyone seeking positive change and growth. Thank you for being a source of inspiration, wisdom, and unwavering support on my journey towards living a more authentic and fulfilling life.


Align Authentic Self Programme

Jennie is a fantastic mentor who combines a highly intuitive and logical approach to guidance. She creates a down-to-earth, safe space where I feel comfortable being open and honest. Jennie’s activities and exercises are meticulously planned and thoughtfully executed. She takes the time to review my work and notes from previous sessions, demonstrating genuine care and attention to detail. Her aftercare is exceptional, regularly checking in on me and showing sincere concern for my wellbeing.

Since working with Jennie, I feel much more empowered. I've learned to recognise triggers in both my own behaviour and in those around me, allowing me to respond in a more productive way. When I first began, I struggled with low self-worth, feeling purposeless and directionless, often being my own harshest critic. Now, I am a thousand times better. I understand the sources of my internal conflict and have developed strategies to navigate through them, finding peace in the present moment.

I've accepted many things that cannot be changed and have begun the journey of letting go. I'm in the process of embracing who I am and learning to love myself. Moving forward, I carry with me the knowledge that I am in charge of my own life, choices, and decisions, and that I am a strong, independent woman. I'm now focused on living and enjoying life in the present, rather than constantly striving for perfection, status, or security to gain acceptance from others. The real lesson has been learning to accept myself.


Manifestation & Mindset Mentor Call

After my session with Jennie I could see that I was looking outside of myself for answers and getting distracted with what I thought was the 'right thing' to do out of the fear of getting it wrong. I am now no longer procrastinating and just allowing myself to do it my way fully and completely and trusting that the way I want to run my business and create my offerings is exactly what's meant to be. I learned that I am not supposed to walk a path that has already been walked but that I am meant to create my the path myself which Jennie gave me an amazing visual for that has stuck with me.

Ever since our session I have felt more in flow and have stopped questioning myself and have felt more relaxed and calm not only in my work but also in myself. I have noticed some powerful shifts this week in feeling more free in my energy and have allowed myself to create what I want to create when I want to create it. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted since our session and I have been able to take the pressure off myself and can fully trust myself. Thank you Jennie this is powerful, transformational energetic work and I'm so grateful for your support.