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My Story

Starting my soul-led business was a life-changing decision that required a leap of faith, but it set me on a path of true alignment and purpose. After spending 16 years climbing the corporate ladder, I reached a point where things just didn’t seem to make sense anymore. I began waking up to the truth of the world, moving beyond what I had been led to believe. My first spiritual awakening happened in 2019, followed by another during the lockdown in 2021.

This period was one of the darkest in my life. I was transfusion dependent due to a hereditary congenital blood disease, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency. To make matters worse, I struggled with PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder), which significantly impacted my mental health. This resulted in a hysterectomy in 2021 marking the start of my healing journey.

Determined to reclaim my power, I trained as a life coach and Master NLP practitioner, applying everything I learned to heal myself and change my thinking. As I processed and released trauma, I connected more deeply with my authentic self, unveiling my spiritual gifts along the way.

By this point I was fully invested in my spiritual growth, I attended sound baths, and cacao ceremonies which helped release blocked energy and raise my vibration even further. I learned to master my mind, releasing outdated thought patterns that had held me back and saying goodbye to my inner critic while letting my inner cheerleader shine!

As my gifts developed, working in the corporate world became increasingly difficult. My higher self made it impossible to continue in a space where I felt I wasn’t meant to be. I knew it was time to leave my corporate job and leap into the unknown as a spiritual entrepreneur. This transition was liberating yet daunting as the two are worlds apart, requiring significant mindset adjustments as I faced imposter syndrome regarding my gifts.

Questions swirled in my mind: Is this really happening? Is it okay to embrace my gifts? What will my family think when they see me channeling energy or talking about manifesting? While I casually shared my spirituality with friends, I knew few understood the depth of my gifts. For my business to flourish, I had to commit fully to my knowledge of Manifestation, Energy, and Mindset, showing up as my Authentic Self.The more I embraced my true self, the deeper my connection to my gifts became.

Remember, you are on a unique path, divinely guided and supported. To thrive in your business, you must fully invest your energy into it; this energy is essential to attract the people who need you most! You will face challenges, but it's up to you to decide you’re ready to do the work—to commit to your growth and confidently embrace your authentic gifts as you become who you are meant to be in this lifetime.

My Align Authentic Self programme helps you do just that! I’ll guide you step-by-step through my personalised process, encompassing everything I used to confidently embrace my authentic self, show up on social media, and manifest a thriving soul-led business.

With me by your side, you will feel supported and connected to the most confident, authentic version of yourself. Your thriving soul-led business is waiting for you to step into it. Are you ready to confidently show up and make it a reality?